Build School for Africa

Build School for Africa

Various global indices including the Social Progress Index and the Human Development Index show that low educational attainment is most widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African countries often suffer from relatively unstable economies as well as conflicts and droughts which further worsen the educational crisis and poverty levels.
It has been found that in East Africa there is a latent demand for education among the poor, especially women and girls, who not only realize the value of education but want to attend schools and literacy classes in order to lead a
better life.
They acknowledge the empowering role of education. An ability to read and write is seen as a necessity to access information, and above all, to walk with one’s head high and participate at the local level, in the national effort of

Our objectives were To make primary and secondary education accessible to the vulnerable and underprivileged students, To improve the teaching of Government schools for meeting foundational literacy and numeracy outcomes, To equip the existing untrained staff with on-site training, scholastic materials, and other training materials, To ensure that students and teachers from implementation schools have access to the standard curriculum, tests and multimedia resources, To create employment for youth through fellowship training and recruitment, To train and provide handholding support to teachers from existent government schools on holistic curriculum and innovative methodologies.

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